Sunday, April 09, 2006

Calling Maggie

April 2006

I spoke to Maggie again today. When we spoke yesterday, it was the first time for more than two months. It was a good opportunity, since I have the house to myself for a week.
Maggie has been emailing me since our last conversation, asking if we can get back together. I found this series of email very touching. And I needed to hear her say that she missed me and loved me.
Straight away she said that she wanted to be with me. It was just as I had hoped. After everything that has happened, everything I did, she can still tell me this.

We talked for a long time. Again she expressed her fears and doubts.

She has applied for a job. She hasn't worked since November, waiting for me. She needs the money she said.

I suggested that if she was successful, it would stop us getting together. I want her to get the job.


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