Tuesday, May 30, 2006

You're not just having fun?

December 2002

We went to eat nearby, just some fish soup and noodles. Then we walked through North Point and Causeway Bay and into Victoria Park. It was such a hot day, I could feel my face burning as we walked hand in hand through the busy park.

We stopped several times to sit and talk and kiss. Then we would walk on again, never letting go of each other.

Finally sat opposite the sports area, our conversation became more serious. She told me of a past boyfriend, and how the relationship had ended when he asked her to move away from Hong Kong. Then she told me that other relationships had been just occasion dating only. She said she 'never had true love before'.

Then she said that more recently her sister had encouraged her to go to Montreal, in the hope that she might meet someone there.

My head was spinning. I didn't want to hear any of this. For a moment or two, I wanted to walk away and leave her where she sat.

Then she asked my intention, 'you're not just having fun?' she asked. It was a question that kept coming back.


Blogger Lisa Johnson said...

I spoke too soon! You kissed her! What a great mystery love story this is!! I am in the Boston area. August is a great time to visit.

6:04 am  

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